
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Why Sitting Out the Election This Fall Isn't a Good Idea

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative/PAC Director
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation 

"Wake me up when the election is over!" 
That's the attitude of some Pennsylvanians this year, who are frustrated with the political process.  They see bills that languished in the state legislature ... politicians with disappointing remarks and records ... and an economy that doesn't meet expectations.
Why bother to vote in the midst of all this angst? 
Here are the top five reasons you should be voting on November 4th: 
1.)  The Governor.  Governors matter a great deal in Pennsylvania. Consider that the Kermit Gosnell grand jury says that the pro-abortion stands of Governors Tom Ridge and Ed Rendell kept them from having abortion facilities inspected for years. A pro-life Governor is critical for safeguarding the health and safety of women and children in the Commonwealth. 
2.)  The state legislature. Pennsylvania currently boasts bipartisan, pro-life majorities in the PA House of Representatives and Senate.  But one election could end the pro-life advantage, ensuring that no pro-life legislation will pass in PA.  For the sake of women and babies in the Keystone State, we need to maintain a pro-life mindset in the General Assembly. 
3.)  Congress. Pennsylvania's Congressional delegation is "pro-life strong" thanks to the fact that the vast majority of our Representatives in Congress are pro-life.  A pro-life Congress is the only thing stopping the Obama Administration from further trampling the rights of unborn children.  
4.)  Civic duty. Our brave men and women in uniform have fought and died for our freedoms -- including the freedom to make our voices heard in elections.  We owe it to them -- and to our nation -- to exercise our right to vote. 
5.)  Our faith. All major faiths hold that believers have a duty to help others -- especially the most vulnerable among us.  Your vote could make the difference in the life of a woman and her unborn child. 
So, no matter the temptation, please do not sit out this election!  A vote is a terrible thing to waste. 

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