
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

‘Abortion is sacred,’ Planned Parenthood Volunteer Tells Missouri Legislators

By Ben Johnson
National Black Robe Regiment

As Missouri state legislators grappled with whether to extend the waiting period for an abortion to 72 hours, a Planned Parenthood volunteer had a simple message for them: “Abortion is sacred.”

Those words, emblazoned on a sign held by Juleigh Snell on the south lawn of the state capital in Jefferson City, spoke for many of those present at the “Stand With Missouri Women” rally. Snell, who describes herself as an atheist, drove 150 miles from her home in Alton, Illinois – the hometown of Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schlafly – for the demonstration on the capitol steps.

“Our health care, our bodies, our choices,” Snell told The Missourian at one of two rallies designed to sway lawmakers.

Pivoting from its previous depiction of abortion as a necessary evil, the abortion industry and its political stalwarts have increasingly begun describing abortion as a positive, even holy, event.

Last August, Wendy Davis said she launched the 11-hour filibuster that thrust her into the limelight, because “sometimes you have to take a stand on sacred ground.”

Two months earlier, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi referred to the issue of abortion as “sacred ground” while deflecting a question from a reporter from The Weekly Standard.

Topless protesters with the group Femen chanted “abortion is sacred” while attacking the Archbishop of Madrid, Cardinal Antonio Rouco Varela, in February.

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