
Saturday, September 20, 2014


by Judie Brown, President/co-Founder
American Life League

“There should be a zero tolerance policy in the NFL (National Football League) when it comes to domestic violence involving women and children” was the opinion of one commentator on the September 15 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN news report. These comments came in response to the Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson scandals in the news this past week. Rice allegedly knocked out his then fiancée (now wife) several months ago. Peterson allegedly whipped his four-year-old child with a switch and drew blood.

Every case of domestic violence is a case of criminal proportions that should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, be it abuse of a female or the abuse of a child. Today’s news stories make clear that the situation is grave and that incidents of domestic abuse are not on the decrease.

But these sad commentaries on current domestic violence cases are not the only thing that troubles this pro-life leader. In fact, they are merely the tip of the iceberg. Allow me to examine what is beneath the veneer of such reporting by the media.

I believe that these tragic situations receive the attention of the news media because they are not only horrendous, but assist the media in hiding behind the false concern they express for women and children in such cases as they blithely look the other way when it comes to expectant mothers and their preborn children. Mainstream media does not define the act of abortion—the ultimate child abuse—as an act of violence because the law states that these preborn babies are not human beings. By the same token, the abortionist who maims or often kills a patient is rarely exposed by the press unless, of course, a practitioner as vile as someone like Gosnell can no longer be ignored.

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