
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Dr. Tiller Burned Dead Baby’s Bodies in a Full Sized Crematorium in his Clinic

by Sarah Terzo
Live Action News

The documentary After Tiller portrayed late-term abortionists in a flattering light, highlighting the tragic stories of women who were carrying dying or disabled unborn babies. Dr. George Tiller, who the documentary is named after, was assassinated by a man who claimed to be “pro-life.” All established pro-life organizations condemned the murder, including Live Action.
But was Dr. Tiller a kind, compassionate hero who relieved women of the burden of carrying dying babies? The reality is far different.
The pro-life group Life Dynamics has a recording of a speech Dr. Tiller made to the National Abortion Federation in which he said:
Sarah Terzo is a pro-life author and creator of website and the clinicquotes tumblr at

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