
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Gov. Corbett Protects Babies, Women from Other Gosnells

by Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation 

Remember Kermit Gosnell?  The most notorious abortionist in Pennsylvania history was finally brought to justice after years of atrocities ranging from killing full-term infants to butchering women. 
Gosnell is in prison after being convicted of murdering three babies and causing the death of an adult immigrant, Karnamaya Mongar.  He's actually suspected of killing hundreds of infants, but charges could only be brought in a handful of cases, because he destroyed so many records. k
Governor Tom Corbett moved swiftly after revelations about Gosnell's heinous crimes came to light.  The Governor ended decades-old policies ... invoked by pro-abortion politicians ... forbidding regular inspections of abortion centers. Corbett also signed into law an abortion center regulation law, ensuring that abortion facilities abide by the safety standards of outpatient surgery centers.
 If Pennsylvania is saved from having to endure another Gosnell, it will largely be the result of the strong, decisive action taken by Tom Corbett. 
 Predictably, the abortion industry and its advocates have flooded cyberspace with ludicrous claims that Corbett's policies are wrong for women. Actually, his proactive policies have been the means for protecting women from the Gosnells of the world. If Corbett hadn't been in office, we might still have abortion facilities going uninspected -- not for a year or two -- but for 15 years or more. 
Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion operation, claims the abortion regulations were unnecessary. But that's not what the grand jury in the Gosnell case thought. The panel, which was made up of people with various views on abortion, thought stricter regulations were absolutely essential for safeguarding women's health and stopping future Gosnells. 
Corbett has acted in the best interests of patient safety and women's well-being. When it comes to Gosnell's House of Horrors, let us keep in mind two simple words:  Never forget.   
The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, Inc., is committed to promoting the dignity and value of human life from conception to natural death and to restoring legal protection for preborn children. Through legislation, political action, education and other legal means, we proclaim the truth about abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia.
Use this link  for more information on the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation or to support them in their work. 

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