
Saturday, September 6, 2014


by Judie Brown, President
American Life League

News reports on the treatment of the recently deceased Joan Rivers and her original physician’s hospital privileges have attracted the attention of pro-life commentators. Rivers’ family is looking at a possible lawsuit due to what some describe as a botched procedure that left the entertainer in extremely critical condition, ultimately resulting in her death.
Some in the pro-life movement have pointed out that the Rivers case suggests yet another reason why abortionists should have hospital admitting privileges or else be denied the opportunity to practice their craft. At the same time, the record is clear that judgesdo not agree and persist in striking down such requirements.
But what is really at stake in these discussions is sometimes not at all clear. So let’s review the basic facts in the Rivers case and then compare them to the case of the botched abortion.
Rivers was having a routine outpatient surgical procedure done on her vocal cords when she stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest. She was immediately rushed to a hospital in New York City. Rivers chose to have the procedure done, and one must assume that her physician made her aware of possible risks.
In the case of a botched abortion, there are many extenuating circumstances, depending on the case, but there is one overriding fact that remains a constant in all such cases. The expectant mother has entered into an agreement with a physician—an abortionist—who makes his money killing children. 

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