
Monday, September 22, 2014

Indiana Attorney General Complaints Highlight Abortionists’ Negligence and Contempt for Law


By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Indianapolis, Indiana – It started with a simple request for public records and has so far led to criminal charges in two counties Indiana Counties and allegations of negligence brought by the State Attorney General’s office against four abortionists.

And it’s not over yet.

“It is possible that at least one abortionist could lose his medical license and three others could face stiff discipline in the form of suspension and fines,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, who consulted with Indiana Right to Life as they sought abortion information that Indiana law requires abortionists to file twice a year.

“The work that Indiana Right to Life put into combing through the thousands of records they received and the discovery of over 1,800 violations of the reporting law exceeded every expectation. There was a suspicion that abortionists were not in full compliance, but what those records revealed was that the abortion cartel’s contempt for the law is systemic – and dangerous.”

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