
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Purveyors of Abortion

by Barney Byrne

In the Intelligencer's Guest Opinion Column, of September 19th, Kate Michelman and Sue Frietsche expound how "Doctors aren't Dummies", and as such they should not have to obey the laws on Abortion that are passed by our lawfully elected representatives.  They use their column as an advertisement to promote their support for the  Patient Trust Act, which they purport to imply that our politicians are trying to put words in the mouths of our doctors supporting beliefs that are untrue.

      They claim that five states force doctors to advise a patient that an abortion will affect her future fertility.  While their article implies that this scenario is untrue, there are many studies that show it is true.  a.k.a. The Mayo Clinic has done studies that show previous abortions can cause vaginal bleeding, early births, low birth weights and Placenta problems when a woman seeks to have a normal  pregnancy after having an Abortion.

      They also state, among other unsubstantiated  claims that, fetuses feeling  pain, has not been medically proven.  It is very easy to look on the internet and learn, that it has been proven and accepted by the majority of the medical profession ,that fetuses can feel pain by 20 weeks gestation and sometimes much earlier.  This has been proven by the use of Sonograms and Ultra Sound Images.

    They state "Doctors aren't Dummies", and they know in the deepest part of their hearts that the vast majority of Americans are not Dummies either.  More and more Americans are learning that a life is a life and that every fetus is a life.  It's time for these purveyors of Abortion, to take their place on the ash heap of history.

  Barney Byrne and his wife are pro-life advocates who live in Doylestown, PA 

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