
Wednesday, September 17, 2014


by Sarah Terzo
Live Action News

Looking back, Laura believes she’s always known that something was wrong in her family. She felt what she later described as “survivor’s guilt.” When she discovered that her mother had aborted two of her siblings, she realized that her intuitions had been correct. In this interview, she answers a few questions about being the sister of aborted babies.
What were your feelings on abortion before you found out about losing a sibling?
I was pro-life. I hadn’t participated in anything like 40 Days for Life, but I absolutely believed that life begins at conception, and that abortion is murder.
How did you find out about the abortion?
By accident. Our mother passed away a couple years ago after suffering from a neurodegenerative illness. She had been looking into donating her brain for research. One of her sisters had helped her fill out a medical history report and somehow or another since I was running errands, they gave it to me to mail. Knowing how important it was to have all the details and signatures in order, and also assuming I knew everything about my mom’s medical history since she was a pretty open person, I flipped through the packet of papers. I also wanted to see my and my sisters’ names on the page about pregnancies and reproductive health – we’re part of her history!
If you are the surviving sister or brother of aborted babies, you can find help and be introduced to a community of fellow survivors here at Surviving Sibling.  Everyone is welcome whatever their political beliefs or religion.  Two facebook pages, Abortion Hurts Siblings and Others and Siblings Against Abortion in addition to the secret group exist. Again, all siblings are welcome to come and get support whether they identify as pro-life or not. 

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