
Monday, September 8, 2014

The Abortion Industry Un-Masked: Admitting Privileges Debate Illustrates the Ugly Reality of Big Abortion’s Incompetence


"The group leading the [pro-life] legislative charge... is Americans United for Life." - The Progressive

Over the summer what might have seemed a minor piece of model legislation -- hospital admitting privileges -- has captured the hearts and minds of pro-life advocates, while leaving a hyperventilating abortion industry exposed. Americans United for Life’s hospital admitting privileges model law merely requires that the abortionists calling themselves doctors and performing out-patients surgeries have a standing agreement with local hospitals to accept patients should a horrific emergency arise -- a common sense health and safety standard to protect women when their lives are threatened by abortion. Such regulations are sweeping the country.
The Associated Press reported: “Many of the recent laws are modeled on proposals by Americans United for Life, which depicts abortion as a danger to women's health. The aim of the tighter restrictions, says AUL's president, Charmaine Yoest, is ‘protecting women and their unborn children from a largely unregulated, unrestricted, and unrepentant abortion industry.’"
"It used to be a brick-by-brick approach, and now they're throwing up the wall all at once, so you can't get over it no matter how high you jump," said Jennifer Dalven, director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Reproductive Freedom Project.

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