
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Wisconsin Success Story in Decreasing Abortions a Model for Other States

By Heather Weininger, Executive Director
Wisconsin Right to Life

The long-awaited day finally arrived — the day we look for all year long. It’s the day the Wisconsin Department of Health Services releases its “Reported Induced Abortions” in Wisconsin annual report for the previous year. And, once again, Wisconsin abortions have decreased, this time by a whopping 6.7%!

In sheer numbers, it means that in 2013, 465 more babies were saved from abortion and their mothers spared a lifetime of emotional pain when compared to 2012. Wisconsin recorded 6,462 abortions in 2013, down from 6,927 in 2012. The Wisconsin abortion ratio of 10 abortions per 100 live births is half of the national number.

This report is essentially our Wisconsin Right to Life report card. Daily tasks can become mundane, routine – unless you work at organizations such as Wisconsin Right to Life where you realize that everything you do is geared towards pushing those numbers down.

How many babies can we save this year, we ask ourselves?

How do we do it? Our strategy is essentially three-pronged:

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