
Friday, September 5, 2014

Your Baby’s Development Month by Month

 From National Right to Life News Today
Editor’s note. This marvelous research appears on the webpage of Wisconsin Right to Life Watch the video to see the beginnings of life in the womb and the step-by-step process of fetal development.
An Amazing Journey! LIFE!
At the miraculous moment of fertilization – when the egg of a woman and the sperm of a man unite, a new human life begins. From this moment on, it will take approximately nine months for the baby to develop and be ready to be born.
Babies come into this world one of three ways – early (premature), on time (born at the expected time), or late (after the expected due date). All babies, regardless of when they arrive, must go through the same developmental stages – usually a nine-month cycle. Let’s examine what happens before birth.


    For the sake of clarity, please note that fertilization is placed at the beginning of Week 1. If you had intercourse multiple times since the end of your last menstrual period, it may be difficult to determine exactly the date of the baby’s conception and stage of fetal development.

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