
Saturday, October 4, 2014


by Sarah Terzo
Live Action News 

Abortion doctors face stigma from the medical community and society, protests and pressure from pro-lifers, and the emotionally disturbing aspects of the abortion procedure which often includessorting through individual body parts,  i.e., arms, legs, etc.  So why do they do it? For some, the motive may be as simple as making money. Here are some quotes from abortion providers, from now and in the past, that indicate how profitable abortion can be.
1.) “It started out as a financial thing. But I got heavy into the [abortion rights] movement and realized there was a lot of need for physicians…. My income will go up, but I earn it. I work hard for what I do, and I am proud of what I do.” (1)
At the time the abortionist made this statement, he had over 10 malpractice suits. He eventually lost his license after killing a woman in a botched abortion. He was also accused by clinic workers of killing a baby born alive after an abortion.
The article also described him as an avid gambler.
Sarah Terzo is a pro-life author and creator of website and the clinicquotes tumblr at

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