
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Ask Your Legislator: 3 Vital Questions‏

From Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO
Americans United for Life Action

With the midterm election upon us, defenders of life like you are carefully selecting candidates who will protect unborn children and their mothers.

But evasive answers and double-talk, especially when it comes to the subject of “women’s health,” can make it hard to know who’s really on the side of life. 

Are the legislators who represent you actually working with Big Abortion? What about the candidates seeking to replace them this election? 

How can you know for sure? 

By asking them the 3 questions every candidate needs to answer. Don’t let them slide by: get the questions here—and find out why the answers matter so much.

Don’t vote until you know your candidate’s answers to these questions!

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