
Friday, October 17, 2014

Assisted Suicide Bill Riddled with Flaws

fNote: Our latest op-ed on the NJ Physician Assisted Suicide bill was published in today's Asbury Park Press.  Below is a short excerpt from the op-ed.  Please read the excerpt below, then go to our newly designed website to read the rest of this op-ed and then take action to oppose this terribly misguided bill.  The group that is pushing this bill in NJ, Compassion and Choices, are using the tragic case of Brittany Maynard to drum up support for the Assembly to schedule A2270 for a vote this fall so please continue to contact your legislators and tell them to Vote No.

by Marie Tasy, Executive Director
New Jersey Right to Life

Published in the Asbury Park Press, 10/17/2014

The Sept. 28 Asbury Park Press editorial, “Offer choice, mercy to terminally ill,” attempts to make the case for the Legislature to legalize physician-assisted suicide. Its position originates from the mistaken notion that the legislation contains adequate “safeguards and precautions.” Sponsors’ numerous attempts to amend the bill and change its title to try to make it sound more appealing have done nothing to mitigate the actual dangers present in the bill.

In reality, the “Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act” is riddled with loopholes and contradictions that place the lives of the very people it purports to empower at grave risk of abuse and coercion. More

Please take immediate action to OPPOSE Bill A2270, which will legalize physician assisted suicide in our state. Click here to tell your legislators to vote NO and get more information! Sponsors are pushing for a vote this fall in the Assembly! 

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