
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Important November 4, 2014 General Election Information from the New Jersey Right to Life PAC

From Marie Tasy , Executive Director
New Jersey Right to Life PAC

The General Election is one week away. Please be sure to vote for the candidates endorsed by New Jersey Right to Life PAC on Tuesday, November 4 who are listed in this email. The polls are open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.

If you live in Middlesex County be sure to vote No on Middlesex County Ballot Question # 2, Women’s Health funding. Please don’t be fooled – this is not about women’s health! This is a stealth effort by the Freeholders (with the help of pro-abortion state legislators) to raise your taxes to fund Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. Women's health services are already being provided by state funds to the NJ CEED program and the 100 Federally Qualified Health Centers located throughout NJ, including Centers in Middlesex County.

The question asks, ” In view of the recent cuts in funding by the State of New Jersey, shall the governing body of the County of Middlesex increase funding to support current women’s health care programs in order to increase access for County residents to mammograms, cancer screenings and similar services specifically designed for women’s health support and disease prevention.” Share this important information with 10 friends who live in Middlesex County and spread the word to everyone you know in Middlesex County to Vote No on Middlesex County Ballot Question # 2.

Please check your ballot to find out if this question (or a similar one) appears on your ballot. This would be a county ballot question, not a state ballot question. If a question like this does appear on your ballot, please spread the word to everyone in your county to Vote No. If it doesn’t appear on your ballot, please tell all your friends in Middlesex County to Vote No on County Ballot Question No. 2!

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