
Friday, October 3, 2014

L.E.A.R.N. Say So March " If You Love The Children Say So" March & Rally

1,786 African American Children are killed by abortion each day
Stop Black Genocide in America
Come Out and Take A Stand For Righteousness
Join the March for Life
Sunday, October 12th at 1:30 pm (prayer service starts at 11:30 am)

March starts at the Greater Exodus Baptist Church located at 704 N. Broad Street in Philadelphia, PA.

Program for the day 

11:30 Service with Herb Lusk And Congregation

1:30 PM March To 1301 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia Penn 'Formerly Clinic Of Kermit Gosnell'

3: 15 PM Prayer Ralley @ 3810 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia Pennsylvania


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