
Thursday, October 9, 2014


by Reverend Katherine Marple

Or should I say, “NPR: You get the out loud abortion loving hags taxpayers unwittingly pay for”? Yes, I’m fairly sure it’s the latter. As I’ve touched on in the last few articles, the proabort lie rant going on recently is a pathetic last resort to keep a foothold on a an ailing, limping liberal theory: abortion as a right, as healthcare and as a drawn weapon to be ‘equal’ to men.
While taking a vacation day with my husband in a very remote part of our state, we came across a NPR radio station loud and clear while others struggled to keep a discernible signal. THAT should be your first clue of who truly runs this country. During our fantastic ride admiring God’s handiwork admiring His display of fall colors, we heard a conversation regarding abortion on NPR. Keep in mind that as we wound around hairpin turns on tiny state roads and our cell phones struggled to have any signal we were able to hear this maniacal rambling on abortion LOUD AND CLEAR.
The gist of the conversation was this: They are trying to reclaim abortion rights because the prochoice movement is lacking. Yes, lacking, “Well, I think the pro-choice movement has become very defensive, and so they’ve adopted a language that I think they may not realize is stigmatizing.” Seriously. Stigmatizing. I think.

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