
Thursday, October 2, 2014


On September 28, 2014, in the city of brotherly love, an amazing event took place.  The first annual Walk for Life was held in Love Park followed by a Holy Hour and Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter & Paul. 

The attending Civil Affairs Officers estimated the number of attendees participating in the rally and walk to be around 500. One attendee estimated 750.  I would put the crowds at about 625. 

Steven Bozza, Director of Life and Family in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia was the Master of Ceremonies for this event.  Father Jonnykutty Pulissery, Syro, Malabar Church led the opening prayer accompanied by the African American Gospel Choir.

Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, President of the National Pro-Life Religious Council and National Pastoral Director of Silent No More Awareness addressed forgiveness after abortion.

 The Silent No More Awareness Campaign reaches out to people hurt by abortion, encouraging them to attend abortion after-care programs. Invite those who are ready to break the silence to join us in speaking the truth about abortion's negative consequences and the hope found in healing

Bobby Scindler spoke on protecting our medically vulnerable brothers and sisters.  He is Co-Executive Director of the TerriSchiavo Life & Hope Network which works to protect the lives of the medically vulnerable and disabled from the threat of euthanasia.

Jessica Grono of Persons with Disabilities spoke on living life to its fullest.  Jessica is a wife, a mother of two and a motivational speaker. She was Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania in 2001 and 2008. She writes for numerous web sites and is a teacher. Despite having cerebral palsy, she has the drive to accomplish anything possible.

Brendon O’Morchoe spoke about a pro-life revolution on our college campuses. Brendon is the National Director of Field Operations for Students for Life.  He travels the country training and inspiring pro-life student leaders to take a stand for life on their campuses and in their communities. 

Members of Alpha Pregnancy handed out bottles of water to those who came for the rally and walk.  Alpha Pregnancy Services offers resources for women, couples, and teens facing unplanned pregnancy.

The rally concluded with remarks by David Bereit, National Director and founder of 40 Days for Life.  David reminded us that we are all Christian Soldiers and urged us onwards.

Our walk proceeded up JFK Boulevard over 18th Street to the Basilica where we had an hour of prayer and meditation before the Blessed Sacrament. Events were concluded with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M., CAP.  

Note:  information on the speakers was taken from the program from Sunday's events. 

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