
Monday, October 6, 2014

Women Don’t Need Planned Parenthood for Breast Exams

by Susan Michelle
Live Action News

Planned Parenthood has a very important message for you this October in Breast Cancer Awareness Month: While they don’t do any mammograms despite what their CEO says, they do perform manual breast exams.

Every year about this time the number one provider of abortions in the nation tries to show its “health care” side and convince women across the nation its services are priceless because they can feel your breasts and find lumps that may save your life.
So can you.
Susan Michelle was born in Bethlehem to an unwed mother and rescued by Catholic nuns who took her to an orphanage in Bethlehem, which still helps single moms and rescues babies. Today she's an outspoken advocate for LIFE and speaks and writes about pro-life issues nationwide.

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