
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Become a Member of the Right to Life of the UK

From Marietta Ezomo
Right to Life, UK

Apologies for the self-promotion, but this is important.

Tuesday this week saw the introduction of a bill by Fiona Bruce MP to guarantee the banning of sex-selective abortion. Tomorrow will see the Committee Stage debate of the Falconer assisted suicide bill. Both on offence and defence, the battle for the right to life continues and is ever crucial.

More than any other group, RTL has supported the campaign for greater recognition both in politics and the public square at large for the dignity and right to life of every human being. Not only that, but we’ve put our money where our mouths are by supporting women in unplanned pregnancies and vulnerable people at the end of their life.

We’ve achieved important things so far, and it’s never been more important that the campaigning and charitable activity of the right-to-life movement is in a state of active, professional, growth. We want to create a viable and expanding right-to-life movement in the UK, yet there is great scarcity when it comes to financing this. That’s why we rely very seriously on the contributions made by ordinary pro-lifers, and why we need your help.

RTL’s membership fee is £10 a year, though you can donate more if you wish. For this, members are kept up to date and given information about how they can fight for the right to life directly by writing to their members of parliament and peers. If 10,000 people joined RTL and contributed at least that £10 membership fee, that would give us £100,000 to employ at least three or four people every year, and this would make a huge difference in the sort of things we could accomplish.

Please then, in your generosity, do these three things:

1) Join RTL by following the short and easy process linked to on our website If you can pay more than £10, that would be wonderful, but even that small amount every year would really help.

2) ‘Like’ us on FB  using this link and ‘follow’ us on Twitter by using this link.

 If on other social media, please also follow us on YouTube using this link; at Google+  at this link
 and LinkedIn by using this link

3) Share this post, or at least make a similar one of your own making, encouraging others to join and donate to our cause. This will hopefully spread the word as far as possible and encourage right-to-lifers online to join us.

If you could do as much of that as you can manage, this would be a hugely appreciated boost for our vital work campaigning and charitable, and we thank you in advance for your invaluable support and consideration.

Use this link  to become a member of Right To Life, and support our campaigning for the dignity and right to life of all human beings.

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