
Saturday, November 29, 2014


by Reverend Katherine Marple

As I reported in the previous post, ‘Breakdown of ACTUAL Black Deaths in Missouri Before and After Michael Brown’, abortion deaths of Black Missourians are staggering: NINE unborn Black Missourians die an abortion death every day. Thousands are aborted every day while Black Missourians make up almost 12% of the total population of Missouri. Math doesn’t lie…but the abortion agenda does.

Three tubs of aborted baby remains.
In Ohio, much is the same: 
* Total population of Ohio is 11.5 million
* Black Ohioans make up 12.5% of the total population
* 2013 total of 23,216 abortion in Ohio, 9844 were Black
* 42.4% of all abortions in Ohio were Black Ohioans.
The total amount of Ohio abortions in 2013 WENT DOWN while Black abortions went UP. That means Black Ohioans abort more often than even Black Missourians; about 33% in Missouri. In fact, in Ohio the Black abortion rate went UP nearly a full percentage point.

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