
Monday, November 17, 2014

Calling Pro-Life College Students!

A five-week summer training course for pro-life college students 

July 9th - August 14th, 2015

The future of the pro-life movement rest on the shoulders of our youth. The National Right to Life Academy is an outreach of the Educational Trust Fund that empowers today’s college student leaders with tools to carry the fight for life into the future.

The National Right to Life Academy is a unique, five-week academic summer course for college students who are eager to put their pro-life passion to work. Students have the opportunity to earn 3 college credits through the Human Life Studies Program from the Franciscan University of Steubenville.

$3600 tuition includes lodging at a university residence in downtown Washington, D.C., registration, room and board at the 2015 National Right to Life Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana, and five weeks of the most comprehensive pro-life education around!

Submit your application as soon as possible!

Launched in the summer of 2007, the Academy was created by the National Right to Life Committee staff to build on the work of the National Youth Pro-Life Coalition, an enormously successful lobbying training program in the early years of the pro-life movement. The NYPLC was the training ground for many of today’s pro-life activists, including Representative Chris Smith, and our own Academic Director, Burke Balch.

The National Right to Life Academy is a pro-life educational boot-camp for student leaders who want to refine their pro-life passion. Graduates from the Academy are equipped with the tools and training to defend life in any battleground, whether it be on a college campus or in the office of a congressman.

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