
Friday, November 28, 2014

Closing Obamacare's Abortion "Loophole"‏

Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO

Americans United for Life

The morning after the vote that made Obamacare law, Americans United for Life released a model abortion coverage "opt-out" bill to protect your conscience rights and thousands of unborn lives from Obamacare's unprecedented expansion of abortion coverage. 

To date, 12 states have used our model bill or assistance to exclude abortion coverage from their health Exchanges.

Now, in light of the recent alarming proof that Obamacare is using taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions, it is more critical than ever that we can rely on your support to put federal legislation into effect that will close this loophole for good.

Will you help protect America's conscience rights—and the unborn—today?

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