
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Policy Advisor for Operation Rescue to be Guest of “The Gospel of Life” Radio Maria Tonight

If an abortionist anywhere in the country operates a filthy, dangerous clinic, endangering the lives of mothers while killing their children, Operation Rescue will document every single abuse. When an abortionist loses his or her license in one state and sets up shop in another, Operation Rescue will be on their trail.

The organization headquartered in a former abortion mill in Wichita, Kansas, has one objective: To make America abortion-free.

Cheryl Sullenger, senior policy advisor for Operation Rescue, will be Janet Morana’s guest tonight, November 4 at 6 p.m. ET on “The Gospel of Life” on Radio Maria.

Cheryl and Operation Rescue President Troy Newman have just published a book outlining their successful strategy for closing clinics. “Abortion Free: Your Manual For Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time.”
In "Abortion Free," Troy and Cheryl recount many stories from the front lines in the battle for life and the successes they have had in closing these houses of horror. They walk pro-life advocates through the steps they took to closing down the clinic of one of the nation's most notorious late-term abortionist, Kansas's own George Tiller.

Operation Rescue also maintains the website, a clearinghouse of information supplied by activists from all over the nation. The searchable data base places documents such as health code violations, abortion injuries, malpractice claims, disciplinary action, and criminal conduct at the fingertips of the public. 
Also joining Janet for the final segment of the show will be Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life. Father Frank and Janet will discuss early results in today’s critical mid-term elections.

Anyone with a question for Janet, Cheryl or Father Frank is invited to call in during the show to 866-333-6279 to speak to them on the air. Those who would prefer not to be on the radio may email questions to

For a list of Radio Maria stations or to tune in to “Gospel of Life” on the Internet, go to Tablet and smart phone users also can download a free Radio Maria app so they can listen to the show wherever they go.

The show will be rebroadcast at 2 a.m. ET Thursday and midnight ET on Sunday. All the shows are archived at

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