
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Is it Open Season on Pro-Life Women?

By Carol Tobias, President
National Right to Life

For years now, the country has been inundated with rhetoric about the so-called “war on women,” an attempt (people were told) by pro-lifers, conservatives, Republicans, white men (any or all of these) to take women back to the dark ages. After the November 4 mid-term elections, one especially bitter pro-abortionist, Imani Gandy, gloomily insisted their battle was to escape being “corralled in Republican-funded breeding farms, serving as little more than brood mares in a dystopian landscape that would make even Margaret Atwood shudder.”

No doubt Gandy was thinking of the many pro-abortion candidates who were defeated by pro-life candidates (including by female pro-life candidates). But if many pro-lifers declared (or at least hoped) that this mis-named “War on Women” would be laid to rest, I fear they are wrong.

Some future candidates may temper their campaigns a bit, but I don’t think we’ve seen the last of that slogan—not by any means. The bitterness and vitriol of our opponents isn’t going to stop just because some of their candidates lost.

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Note from National Right to Life News Today:  This President’s column appeared on page three of the November post-election issue of National Right to Life News. You can read the entire 34-page edition here

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