
Sunday, November 16, 2014

It's Time to Ban Webcam Abortions‏

From Martin Fox, President
National Pro-Life Alliance

Never let it be said that the abortion industry is short-sighted. They're always looking ahead to their next money-making bonanza.  So years ago when they saw a problem coming down the pike, they maneuvered to head it off at the pass.

This “problem?”

That what abortionists refer to as a “blob of tissue” is really a tiny, living, breathing baby. And with advances in technology, abortion proponents are finding it more and more difficult to hide that truth.

But these same abortion advocates are not backing down.  They’re changing to a stealthier, but just as deadly tactic.

You see, back in 2001 - the first year the Clinton’s FDA rushed through approval of the abortion pill - about 5% of abortions were carried out using RU-486.. . .and it quietly snuffed out over 70,500 unborn little girls and boys.  Barely a decade later, one out of every four abortions are chemically induced.

The abortion lobby has turned chemical abortions into their fastest growing abortion procedure, deceptively marketing abortion drugs as a “safe, simple and private” solution to a problem pregnancy.

But - lest you be confused by the rhetoric the abortion industry spews about RU-486 - it’s just as deadly as any other methods of abortion.  Babies still die horrific deaths.  And mothers still suffer miserable physical and emotional consequences.

The only thing that is different is that the killing fields are moving from their grisly abortion mills to defile the sanctuary of homes.  In fact, abortion peddlers are so hungry for these high profit chemical abortions, they even use the internet to peddle their wares.

These so-called “webcam abortions,” legal in 36 states, use the internet to connect an expectant mother to an abortionist, who is in a remote location.

After a brief interview (and the assurance that the payment went through) the abortionist prescribes a deadly mix of pills designed to kill the baby and force a bloody miscarriage.

So now the abortionist doesn’t even have to soil his hands with his own dirty work.  Because the mother takes these poison pills and goes home to sit and wait alone for the agony and hemorrhaging to begin.  This is the very definition of callous.

That’s why National Pro-Life Alliance members, while continuing the effort to overturn Roe v. Wade, are also in the trenches fighting with hearts passionate against the abomination of chemical abortion.

As Edmund Burke said:  “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

But NPLA members aren't ones to stand aside and “do nothing.”

Because we know that no matter how they make it happen – by poison pill, or by scraping the baby from the womb - abortion is still the wanton slaughter of innocent children.

Your National Pro-Life Alliance is entirely dependent on voluntary contributions to keep our vital programs running. We receive no government funding. If you can, please chip in with a contribution  by clicking here.

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