
Saturday, November 22, 2014

New Resource Website Let's You Know if Your State Covers Elective Abortion

From Chuck Donovan, President
Charlotte Lozier Institute

CLI promised you last week we would send more information on our new resource website, so that you can check whether a health insurance plan offered under Obamacare covers elective abortion. Good news – the site JUST went live.

Check out to see what our team of researchers at Charlotte Lozier Institute and Family Research Council has discovered about health plans in your state marketplace.

Remember – the Obama administration and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have failed to provide you with transparency when it comes to abortion funding in Obamacare. In order to unearth this abortion coverage information, we had to search high and low, contacting insurance companies and state exchanges by phone, e-mail, and live chat. We expect more challenges, but the pursuit of truth is worth it.

YOU can help too. Aside from our research, you can contact us through if you have access to plan documents in your state that may not be publicly available. Unlike Jonathan Gruber, a key mind behind Obamacare, CLI considers you anything but “stupid.”

Our team won’t sit by while the government persists in covering up this ugly reality of abortion funding in Obamacare, and I know you won’t either. You’ve heard the saying: “Knowledge is power.” Please share this information with your family and friends who are likewise concerned to stay away from abortion plans.

With persistence, we can ensure that elective abortion coverage is ultimately removed altogether from health insurance plans in Obamacare.

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