
Thursday, November 20, 2014

See How Your 2 Assembly Members Voted on The Physician Assisted Suicide Bill, A2270

Action Needed to Defeat it in the Senate!

The Physician Assisted Bill (A2270) passed the NJ Assembly on November 13 by a vote of 41-31.
The vote tally is listed below.The bill now moves to the State Senate.
Action Still Needed to Defeat A2270/S382:
Please Contact your State Senator and urge them to Vote No on A2270/S382, then call and email Governor Christie and urge him to Veto A2270/S382 if it reaches his desk.  Please contact your State Senator and Governor Christie  by going to our Legislative Action Center here
News on the Assembly Vote: 
NJ Assembly Democrat leadership, which includes Speaker Vincent Prieto, and Asm. John Burzichelli, the bill’s sponsor, have continually pulled every dishonest trick in the book with the last minute scheduling of hearings and voting sessions on A2270.  To say this has been a fair and open process would be a bald-faced lie and their shameful actions during this entire legislative process fly in the face of fairness, ethics, leadership and good governance.   The latest chicanery occurred with this November 13 vote.  After 5:00 p.m. on Monday (11/10), Assembly Democrat leaders, Speaker Vincent Prieto and Asm. John Burzichelli, ( who is the sponsor of A2270, and others in the Democratic leadership), quietly added A2270 to the voting schedule board for November 13th.  Why is this noteworthy?  Because the next day was Tuesday November 11th, Veterans Day and state offices were closed so no phone calls to Assembly members offices could be received until Wednesday morning
NJ citizens need to know how these folks operate and act accordingly at election time.  Remember, everything they do affects our lives and future generations.
Use this link to see  the November 13 Assembly Vote tally on A2270.

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