
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sneaky Contraception?


By: Eric Metaxas

Earlier this month, the Catholic Bishops of Kenya took the unusual step of telling their flock not to participate in a tetanus-vaccination program administered by the government and sponsored by the World Health Organization and UNICEF.

The reason for their call for non-participation was not opposition to vaccines in general. It was, according to the Bishops, that the vaccination program was actually “a clandestine population control program disguised as a tetanus vaccine program.”

According to the Bishops, they had “several vials” of the vaccine tested by “four unrelated Government and private laboratories in Kenya and abroad,” and all of the vials contained the “Beta-HCG hormone which causes infertility and multiple miscarriages in women.”

They presented copies of their findings to governmental officials who quickly denied all wrongdoing, as did the WHO and UNICEF officials.

But the Bishops aren’t backing down.

From 7,500 miles away, it’s difficult to know to what extent, if any, the Bishops’ charges are true. What isn’t difficult to know is that, given the history of birth control programs, especially when it comes to the poor and people of color, there is ample reason to be suspicious.

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