
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Democrats are out of the question And There Minds

" My vote has been bought with the blood of Patriots"

Let me ECHO my good friend... Bob Menges...

" My vote has been bought with the blood of Patriots"

"Democrats are out of the question, they will never recieve my vote due to two things; (1) the party platform not only gives hearty approval but also advances the wanton slaughter of the unborn, (2) secondly, the philosophy of the Democratic Party is that of leftism and big government which runs counter to the Biblical Worldview and our governing document, the United States Constitution.

That said, I simply cannot in good conscience always just vote for any Republican that ends up on the other side of the ballot. Let me be clear, I don’t have to agree with a candidate on everything for them to receive my vote, so more often than not, because I understand how the system works I will vote to give them control of a particular branch of government. However, there are times when I simply can no longer hold my nose... when the “stench” is so bad. The other side of the coin is that my vote has been bought with the blood of Patriots and I must steward that vote. With that in mind, there are a few candidates today that are going to have to get where they want to go without my vote. I will exercise my vote with a write in. I know that some of my Republican friends will not like that, but that’s Ok. That vote has to be earned, it cannot simply be taken for granted by those that do harm to our Constitution with their actions in office."

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