
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Early Christmas Present: An Abortionist In Handcuffs

Pro-Life Outreach

A millionaire abortionist in Oklahoma was removed from his office in handcuffs today.Dr. Nareshkumar Patel, 62, who kills unborn children at Outpatient Services for Women in Oklahoma City, has been arrested and accused of prescribing abortion-inducing drugs to women who were not pregnant, according to a press release from the office of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt. Authorities began an investigation after Operation Rescue filed a complaint based on documents and medical waste that had been discarded in a trash receptacle near Patel’s office.

Patel is notorious for having burned the bodies of 55 babies in 1992 in an abandoned RV he owned and for allegations that he sexually assaulted three women as they awaited their abortions. He has faced a long list of malpractice claims but has never had his license permanently revoked.

STANDTRUE Mission Statement

  • We exist first and foremost to glorify God. Through the grace of God, we stand for the protection of human life from the moment of fertilization to natural death. Abortion is the act of killing a human person and it is always wrong without exceptions. 
  • We are committed to establishing a culture of life, and bringing light to a generation covered by darkness. We believe that the only true way to end abortion is to turn hearts to Christ. Though it is important for the unjust laws to change, we must first turn the hearts of our nation. 
  • We are committed to educate, equip and activate young people to stand up and be a voice for their generation. 
  • Until the silent cries of innocent children are finally heard, we will raise our voices, shine our lights, we will Stand True. 
  • Psalms 40:2 He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. 
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