
Friday, December 19, 2014

Powerful Abortion Group Lashes Out at CLI!‏

Chuck Donovan
President, Charlotte Lozier Institute

Is the Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood’s former research arm, feeling threatened by SBA List’s research arm, the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI)?

It looks like it. They published a report lashing out at research from CLI that helps SBA List and other pro-life groups defend babies from the moment of conception.

Unable to disprove CLI’s research, Guttmacher accuses us of exposing the drugs and devices that cause abortions in the earliest stages of pregnancy because it is “politically convenient.”

Patricia, pro-life lawmakers DO use CLI’s research to defend life, but CLI seeks the truth through science and statistics whether “politically convenient” or not. And as you know, it’s usually not convenient to proclaim the truth of the sanctity of Life in the midst of the culture of death.

For 47 years the Guttmacher Institute has monopolized abortion research, pushing an extreme population control agenda. Their research has been key to public policy that has aggressively expanded abortion-on-demand in America.

America needs the pro-life counterpart to the Guttmacher Institute. Our unborn babies and their moms need a research group like CLI.

You will be David against Goliath if you join the cause to support a pro-life research group for America’s unborn babies and moms, the Charlotte Lozier Institute. The Guttmacher Institute has a $17 million annual budget, while we’re struggling to raise just $40,000 online for the matching grant opportunity.

But you and CLI, like David, have truth on your side and are fighting for God’s children – so I know we’ll reach our goal of $40,000 to be automatically DOUBLED to fund CLI’s 2015 pro-life research projects.

You have just 12 days for your 100% tax-deductible donation to count for this year!

Donate Now: Help CLI be the pro-life answer to powerful pro-abortion research group the Guttmacher Institute. Your gift will be automatically DOUBLED!

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