
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Pregnant at 16, Anne Chose Adoption for her Baby

by Lou Baldwin

When you are 16 everything is a crisis, whether it is a zit in the mirror, a fight with a friend or flunking a math test. But if you are a girl, the mother of all crises at that age is flunking a pregnancy test.

It really is life-changing and you know it; but first things first — how do you tell Mom and Dad?

That’s what Anne Hinnegan faced, when she was Anne Krumm and a student at Upper Moreland High School during the turbulent 1970s. The bottom of her world literally fell out.

“It was devastating,” she remembers. “Telling one’s parents is something anyone would dread. I told my mom and she told my dad.”

The first thing to do was to examine the options. Abortion had been legal for a few years then and Anne knew of girls at school who had had an abortion, some more than one. But it never even entered her mind as solution.

Lou Baldwin is a freelance writer in Philadelphia.

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