
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Pushing ABORTION at Christmas?‏

From Eric Scheidler, Executive Director
Pro-Life Action League

Probably the LAST thing on your mind at this time of year is ABORTION. And I can understand that.

What could possibly clash more with this season of preparation for Christmas -- anticipating the joy and hope that comes with the birth of a child -- than the destruction of life in the womb?

Sadly, the abortion industry doesn't see it that way. Over these days before Christmas, SEVENTY THOUSAND babies will be aborted.

Planned Parenthood -- the nation's largest abortion chain -- is even using the holiday season to PROMOTE abortion.

They're selling "Choice on Earth" cards, twisting the words the shepherds heard from the angel chorus: "Peace on earth, good will toward men." They're even selling gift cards that can be used to help pay for an abortion.

Meanwhile, a radical group called FURIE -- "Feminists United to Resist Inequality and Exploitation" -- has chosen the holiday season to begin protesting at pro-life pregnancy centers!

This is the REAL War on Christmas, Unborn!

And that's why I'm emailing you today. I know you care about the true meaning of Christmas. I know you love every child in the womb.

I know that even though you'd rather think of anything other than abortion right now, you won't turn away when I ask for your help confronting the abortion industry's attack on Christmas.

Today is known as "Giving Tuesday" -- an opportunity to shift the focus from working through your Christmas list to helping out those in need.

And right now, no one is in greater need than the tens of thousands of unborn children threatened with abortion this season.

Please consider making a special gift to the Pro-Life Action League for Giving Tuesday this year.

The League's work fighting for the lives of unborn babies doesn't slow down during the holiday season.

In fact, the colder weather and distractions of the season make it that much harder to man the front lines outside abortion clinics. Meanwhile, the abortion industry keeps going full-throttle.

If you can spare even $10 to help out on this Giving Tuesday, I'd be grateful. If God has blessed you with the means to give more, please prayerfully consider a larger gift. Here's the link:

Through prayer vigils outside abortion facilities and sidewalk counseling, the Pro-Life Action League reaches out to abortion-bound women and couples with abortion alternatives, confidential counseling, access to pregnancy resources and other help, and witness to the value of the lives being destroyed inside.
They believe sidewalk counseling is the most important pro-life work God has given us to do. Praying outside abortion clinics is the first step in becoming directly involved fighting abortion.

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