
Monday, December 8, 2014

Religious Liberty Faces a Critical Moment

From Judie Brown
American Life League

It has been some time since we have heard news regarding the continuing battle against the government abortion/contraception mandate (the so-called HHS mandate). However, I bring it back to your attention because it is reaching a critical moment in the history of our nation. Below are excerpts from an e-mail from Ed Mechmann, director of public policy in the Archdiocese of New York, to further explain:

Three federal appeals courts have heard cases brought by religious non-profit organizations, challenging the so-called "accommodation." Unfortunately, all three courts have ruled against the religious organizations. While there have been many lower court rulings against the HHS mandate and accommodation, these rulings by appellate courts (which are just one step below the Supreme Court) are very troubling.

The next major court battle is just around the corner. On December 8 the Little Sisters of the Poor will have their day in court in the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver. This is a critical moment. The Little Sisters present perhaps the best and clearest example of a religious organization that is faced with an existential threat by the HHS mandate. A victory by the Little Sisters will send a clear message to the Supreme Court, and will increase the chances that other religious non-profits will be protected from the ruinous fines that would be imposed under the HHS mandate. A defeat could subject the Little Sisters to as much as $50 million in fines for following their conscience—that would put them out of business, and also send an ominous message about the future of religious liberty in America.

I urge you to spread word of this via all social media outlets (e.g., Facebook and Twitter). It is vitally important that we show our support for the Little Sisters of the Poor and pray for the attorneys who will be representing them at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, and also pray for wisdom for the three judges who will be hearing their case. If you are able to offer some form of fast/sacrifice for this intention, that would be great.

Finally, since December 8 is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, let us ask our Lady, Patroness of the United States of America, to powerfully intercede to protect our nation and its God-given freedoms. 

For prayer resources, use this link.

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