
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Unto us a Child is born‏

A Christmas Message from Americans United for Life

From Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D., President & CEO
Americans United for Life

Christmas is a time when, together with millions of people around, we pause to reflect on the power of one life. More than any other holiday, Christmas teaches us the value of life. Part of the beauty of the Christmas story is the underlying humility – God sent His son to be born in a manger. He could have come as a conquering king, with all the trappings. But instead God chose to teach us that one life – no matter how humble the beginnings – can change the world.

Isaiah says something profound in predicting the impact of this one life unto US a child is born. His words reflect a truth that while a child may come into a family by marriage, by birth or by adoption, a child is a gift to us all, as the ripple effect of a life well lived changes all who are touched by him or her.

In preparing for Christmas, we probably all make lists as we consider and plan for giving gifts to the people we love. My son James has done some of the work for me and made his own list that runs a full page of his own wish list! It made me smile to see his anticipation. His perspective on Christmas gifts, of course, is different than mine. When we are children we are usually still focused on getting. As we get older those lists start to take on the significance of being a chronicle, an inventory of those who are integral to our very existence—those who bring meaning to our days; who laugh with us, and share our sorrows.

Our Christmas lists are not really about stuff to buy, but people to honor. The list is Life. The list is people we love.

Do you ever wonder who we are missing?

Since Roe v. Wade became law in 1973, more than 57 million of our children are gone. They are a lost generation of friends, teachers, doctors, neighbors, co-workers, inventors, musicians, spouses, family and fellow travelers.

My life would not have been the same without the wonderful memories of days spent enjoying the simple pleasures of just being together with my family and friends. My hope is that in the New Year, we at Americans United for Life, together with you, will be able to work to ensure that more people find the courage and support to take a chance on a wonderful life.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

And from AUL, we wish you a very happy New Year.

Americans United for Life (AUL) is the legal architect of the pro-life movement. We are accumulating victories, building momentum, and advancing a culture of life in America. Our vision is a nation in which everyone is welcomed in life and protected in law. The first national pro-life organization in America, AUL has been committed to defending human life since 1971.

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