
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Values, Acts of Torture, and Obama

by Judie Brown, President
American Life League

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, torture is defined as “the act of causing severe physical pain as a form of punishment or as a way to force someone to do or say something.”

On this subject as it applies to the U.S. intelligence actions and alleged terrorists captured and interrogated, the Obama administration has said publicly that tactics such as waterboarding and other forms of “torture” are “brutal, wrong, and counterproductive.” The administration has been outspoken on this topic, including the release of the controversial CIA report, for Obama believes that enhanced interrogation tactics are “contrary to our values.”

Personally I find Obama’s statements on this subject dubious at best, hypocritical at worst.

We know, for example, that the Obama administration takes nothing short of extremist positions when it comes to torturing/killing preborn babies or threatening the health and welfare of vulnerable Americans. We know Obama turns a blind eye to such atrocities.

So is it any wonder that one is left speculating which set of values Obama is actually talking about?

Think about these facts.

We are learning that advance directives may be hazardous to your health. An advance directive is a document that many people sign in order to have a plan in place in the event they become ill and are unable to speak for themselves. But one expert, Dr. Ferdinando Mirachi, said in an interview that when patients cannot speak for themselves, clinicians may forgo treatment—even for a treatable condition—when an advance directive and DNR order is present.

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