
Saturday, January 3, 2015


by Reverend Katherine Marple

The Bible is ALIVE, the beating heart of God. It is showing through literal signs and wonders that we are in the end of end times. The world will never get better but it may seem quiet at times. And like a quiet toddler in another room, be VERY afraid. This is what the Lord told me:

Three tubs of aborted baby
remains going to the incinerator
Abortion will continue to drop and a resurgence will erupt in certain states to literally draw ‘customers’, I feel they may be NY, CA, WA & IL. Roe makes sure that every state will offer abortion services even it it’s just one facility left in that state. The murderous Left chants ‘undue burden’ which is an outright lie. But we know that! But does the general population? Not yet. That is the job of prolife advocates and conservative elected officials.

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