
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Carly Fiorina Shows Courage; Renee Ellmers, Not So Much‏

Marjorie DannenfelserPresident
Susan B. Anthony List

Rep. Renee Ellmers was awarded “Worst Week in Washington” by the Washington Post and "Loser of the Week" by Fox News after choosing the day of the March for Life to shock the pro-life community by derailing the House vote on the 5-month abortion limit (H.R. 36).

But if Rep. Ellmers had the worst week,Carly Fiorina had the best. At the Iowa Freedom Summit, Carly, a possible Republican presidential contender, leapt into the maelstrom created by Rep. Ellmers and lifted the pro-life banner high again. She called on Republican Leadership to stand by their commitment to H.R. 36, reminding them that unborn lives, not politics, truly matter most.

Carly even shared her personal story of how she is affected every day by one woman’s choice to reject abortion.

With pro-life women leaders like Carly Fiorina standing for Life, I know we can prevail and advance H.R. 36 to save babies from the horrors of abortion after 5 months.

Please give generously using this link to send us to the Hill to overcome Rep. Renee Ellmers' opposition and demand that Republican Leadership schedule H.R. 36 for another vote ASAP

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