
Wednesday, January 28, 2015


From Brian Burch

I'm still upset about it.

Last week, House Republicans backed away from a vote on the long-promised 20-week abortion ban.

They did this despite polls which show a majority of Americans -- and a majority of women -- support this important piece of commonsense legislation.

That's why CatholicVote is calling on the House to vote on this bill now!

Over 17,000 people have signed our Open Letter to Speaker Boehner.

I'd like to include your name, too. Will you co-sign our letter?

Americans do not support abortions in the 5th month. And support for this legislation to protect children from pain is stronger among women.

You read that right -- according to a Washington Post/ABC News poll, nearly 71% of women support this law!

That's why we must tell Republicans not to run from this fight!

Last November millions of voters helped propel Republicans into their strongest majority in Congress in decades. And just last week, hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans marched in D.C. and in other rallies across the country.

But our activism must not stop there. We have to keep up the pressure and demand that the House vote now to protect children after 20 weeks who can feel pain.

Please add your name to CatholicVote's letter before we send it using this link.  
Thank you for continuing to work and pray for an end to abortion in the United States.

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