
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Released: Date House Will Vote on H.R. 36!‏

From Marjorie Dannenfelser
President, Susan B. Anthony List

We’re excited to announce that the U.S. House will vote on the historic Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36) in just 9 DAYS.

Thank you for emailing your Representative to co-sponsor H.R. 36. Speaking out works – the bill now has 129 new co-sponsors and will be up for a vote on January 22nd, the date of the March for Life and the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

Click here to find out if your Representative became a co-sponsor of H.R. 36 and THANK him/her or, if not, ENCOURAGE him/her again to co-sponsor this pro-life bill.

Want to REALLY make the pro-life voice impossible to ignore? Forward this email to your pro-life friends so they can email their congressmen, too!

Yesterday POLITICO featured the breaking news on their homepage: the House will vote to protect babies from abortion after 5 months of pregnancy as hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers march around the Capitol.

Their first salvo will come from the House, where GOP leaders plan to vote on a federal 20-week abortion ban on Jan. 22. That’s the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade and falls on the same day as the March for Life, an annual mass demonstration of anti-abortion activists on the streets of Washington.

The article highlights SBA List’s effective model of first electing pro-life leaders and then encouraging them to introduce and pass pro-life legislation. POLITICO says the SBA List can be “increasingly optimistic” about passing H.R. 36, having helped elect a pro-life majority in “the House, Senate and a historic number of state legislatures.”

[House Majority Leader] McCarthy met in November with a dozen conservative groups, including the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Susan B. Anthony List, and “reiterated his commitment to the pro-life movement and vowed to ensure that the House of Representatives would be in session and voting during the 2015 March for Life,” a GOP staffer said.

Click to instantly thank your Representative for co-sponsoring H.R. 36 or urge your Representative again to become a co-sponsor of this pro-life bill.

Remember, 129 congressmen have co-sponsored H.R. 36 since we first asked SBA List members to contact their congressmen. Your voice makes a difference!

Like the real, effective progress we’re making to save lives? Please consider making a donation –we’ll use every penny in our efforts to advance the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act all the way through Congress… it would save up to 18,000 lives every year!

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