
Monday, February 23, 2015

Abortion Emergency Filmed at Dangerous Brigham-Owned Pensacola, FL Abortion Clinic

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Pensacola, FL - A Pensacola, Florida abortion facility, owned by the notorious New Jersey abortionist Steven Chase Brigham, transported a woman to the hospital on Thursday, February 19, 2015.

The ambulance arrived around 2:20 pm while pro-life activist Dave Halupowski videotaped the incident during a 40 Days for Life Prayer vigil outside the abortion clinic.

The condition of the woman is currently unknown.

The abortionist thought to be responsible for the medical emergency is Warren I. Taylor, D.O., a Pennsylvania abortionist who also works at several of Brigham's eight New Jersey abortion facilities. After Brigham was ordered to stop operating abortion facilities in Pennsylvania, Taylor allowed his license in that state to lapse, but still maintains valid licenses in Florida and New Jersey.


Continue reading and take action to help shut down this dangerous abortion facility in Pensacola, Florida!

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