
Monday, February 9, 2015


The 2015 ONE MILLION ROSARIES FOR UNBORN BABIES is scheduled to happen May 1st(Friday), May 2nd(Saturday), and May 3rd(Sunday).

Persons participating in this multinational pro-life prayer event will pray at least one Rosary for an end to the surgical and non-surgical killing of unborn human persons.

To register, simply click on this Registration link.

Last year, persons from more than 50 nations registered over 175,000 Rosaries for the unborn babies.

In addition to praying the Rosary, you are encouraged to let other people know about the ONE MILLION ROSARIES FOR UNBORN BABIES. Various ways to do this can be read by clicking on this Promoting the Prayer Event link.

Please, do for the unborn babies that which they can not do for themselves: pray at least one Rosary as part of the ONE MILLION ROSARIES FOR UNBORN BABIES.

The Saint Michael the Archangel Organization coordinates the ONE MILLION ROSARIES
FOR UNBORN BABIES prayer event(three days during the month of May), and the
Organization coordinates the PRO-LIFE NOVENA FOR UNBORN BABIES(September
29th through October 7th).

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