
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

What Our Lady, Two Sisters and Their Friends Can Do


We recently received a wonderful testimony from two very amazing and devoted ladies in Pennsylvania about the 2013 closure of Planned Parenthood’s facility in Collegeville. Rita Smith and her sister Theresa Leitold, both professed Missionaries of the Gospel of Life, led seven years of ardent, on-site prayer that included twelve 40 Days for Life vigils beginning in the fall of 2007 and extending through the fall of 2013.

During the last seven years, Rita says, “Our Lady of Guadalupe full length image was always with us. My sister had ordered the signs from ALL with the various images of Our Lady and she had given me my favorite—Our Lady of Guadalupe—and we would pray the consecration prayers and the prayer for the closing of PP.” The prayers and signs she refers to are a part of STOPP’s Bringing Jesus to Planned Parenthood through Mary campaign. The prayer cards are available for free download on our website.

The ladies stood vigil on the very first night of the first 40 Days for Life there, taking the midnight to 6 a.m. shift. They report they are now sponsoring their third 40 Days for Life vigil at the Norristown Planned Parenthood, which is racking up some very impressive numbers of saved babies. “The faithful remnant have been attending the 40 Days for Life with six babies saved the very first prayer vigil and another four babies saved during the second and third prayer vigils. To God be the Glory!”

“I can’t begin to think of how many rosaries and chaplets of Divine Mercy were prayed at the Collegeville PP, Norristown PP, and Pottstown PP throughout the years,” she continued.

 Continue reading this article here.

In this new and exciting campaign against Planned Parenthood that is being launched by STOPP, we make specific reference to Mary, the most perfect human being ever created by God. Although a human being, and, therefore infinitesimally small as compared to God, Mary was, none the less, a creation worthy of having Jesus reside in her womb for nine months. As such, she received special favors from God.

In Romans 12:6 we read: “We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.” Since the angel in the bible reveals that Mary was “full of grace,” she was given extraordinary gifts from God. In this campaign, we call upon Mary to use those gifts to put an end to the reign of terror that is Planned Parenthood.

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