
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Will You Take the 2015 Pro-Life Lenten Prayer Challenge?‏

From Eric Scheidler, Executive Director
Pro-Life Action League

In years past, I've asked you to pray and fast during Lent for people involved in the abortion industry in one way or another.

This year I'm raising the stakes.

As you know, I've been focusing recently on abortionists' criminal activity. So for Lent this year, I'm asking pro-lifers like you to join me in praying for three criminal abortionists.

Their names are Brian Finkel, Kermit Gosnell and Naresh Patel.

In addition to killing unborn babies on a massive scale, these men have committed some of the worst crimes imaginable, ranging from murder to racketeering to sexual assault.

I know it will be hard to pray for these men, but that's part of why I believe it's absolutely necessary.

Jesus told us to pray for our enemies and minister to those in prison. If you and I don't pray for these men, hated even by those in the abortion industry, WHO WILL?

Please join me PRAYING every day and FASTING from one meal each week during Lent for these three abortionists.

You can find out more about Brian Finkel, Kermit Gosnell and Naresh Patel -- and see my LATEST VIDEO introducing this special Lenten prayer project -- right here:

I will pray that you have a blessed Lent, and ask you to pray for me. And together, let us pray that these three notorious abortionists will come to know God's love and mercy.

The Pro-Life Action League was founded by Joseph M. Scheidler in 1980 with the aim of saving unborn children through non-violent direct action.  

Find out more about this organization at this link. 

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