
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Maintain Pro-life Protections in the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act

Your two Senators need to hear from you‏!

From Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave
Vice President for Government Affairs
Susan B. Anthony List

Pro-abortion politicians in the U.S. Senate – led by Harry Reid – have reached a new low.

They are blocking the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act from a vote because it contains a provision preventing any of the funds from being used to pay for abortions.

That’s right – Harry Reid and his pro-abortion allies in the Senate are so loyal to the Big Abortion Industry that they’re willing to throw victims of human trafficking under the bus.

Contact your two U.S. Senators right now and demand that they maintain this pro-life protection in the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act/ 

As you probably remember, undercover videos across the country have caught Planned Parenthood aiding and abetting in the alleged trafficking of minors.

But Harry Reid and his allies don’t care. They’d rather bolster up Big Abortion than provide real protections for victims of human trafficking. This is disgusting and must end.

Click on the button above to take action.
Your two Senators must hear from you today!

And after you’ve taken action, make sure to forward this alert to as many of your friends and family as possible.

Senator John Cornyn, a wonderful pro-life Senator from Texas, is the bill’s sponsor and is standing strong in this fight. But pro-abortion Senators and their friends in the media are doing everything they can to smear him as he fights to protect women and ensure federal funds are not spent on abortions.

So take action now, and don’t forget to forward this alert far and wide so we can flood the U.S. Senate with the voices of pro-life Americans.

The Susan B. Anthony List, and its connected Political Action Committee, the SBA List Candidate Fund, are dedicated to electing candidates and pursuing policies that will reduce and ultimately end abortion. To that end, the SBA List will emphasize the election, education, promotion, and mobilization of pro-life women.

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