
Monday, March 23, 2015

March for Life in Lima Breaks All Records!‏

PRI Organizes Largest Pro-Life March in Latin American History

by Susannah Cavanaugh
Population Research Institute

On Saturday, March 21st, 2015 more than a half million people marched in the streets of the Peruvian capital in defense of innocent unborn human life. Planned and organized by the Latin American office of the Population Research Institute, the March for Life in Lima was a huge success.

The March for Life in Lima has surpassed all of its records for pro-life marches and is now the largest pro-life march in all of Latin American history.

On the sunniest day of the year so far, one participant Peruvian said, “This was the greatest public event ever in Peruvian History!”

Here are what other Peruvians said about the March:
To be alive. To give Life. To receive Life.” 
“All the people were celebrating Life.” 
“All those young people singing and dancing tell you that the future will be better for all of us and many unborn babies will be saved from abortions.” 
“One day, in the not too distant future, abortion will be remembered as a dark point in the history of mankind, similar to slavery or the Nazi Holocaust.”


Truly, this is a great time to live in Peru. Much can be accomplished when young and old stand together for life.

We at the US office of the Population Research Institute are proud of our Peruvian co-workers, who have carried off such a magnificent accomplishment.

We are also proud of all of our brothers and sisters, in Peru and throughout Latin America, for courageously coming out for the truth of the sanctity of human life.

We hope that people around the world will be encouraged by the Peruvian people’s conviction and will in turn break the chains of death and destruction in their own countries. At the March for Life, Peruvians stood up for those who are oppressed and belittled—for the babies who need to be saved, for the mothers who need support and comfort, and for the fathers who need encouragement to support their families with love and self sacrifice.

Will you, too—in your own country—stand for Life?

The pro-life Population Research Institute is dedicated to ending human rights abuses committed in the name of "family planning," and to ending counter-productive social and economic paradigms premised on the myth of "overpopulation." Find us at

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