
Thursday, March 26, 2015

New York Senate Republicans Expected to Block Bill Declaring State Commitment to Abortion

From Christian News Network
ALBANY, New York – Republicans in the New York Senate are expected to block the advancement of a bill that declares the state’s commitment to allowing abortion within its borders, and formally removes abortion from the state’s penal code.

AB 6221 had been presented by Assembly Member Deborah Glick (D-Manhattan), and was approved by the Assembly on Tuesday 94-49 after a lengthy debate. The short measure points to the 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade as its basis and seeks to codify the court opinion as state law.

(see article here from on this bill)

“The state shall not deny a woman’s right to obtain an abortion as established by the United States Supreme Court in the decision Roe v. Wade,” the bill reads. “Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, New York protects a woman’s right to terminate a pregnancy within 24 weeks from commencement of her pregnancy, or when necessary to protect a woman’s life or health as determined by a licensed physician.”

continue reading at

VFTU Note:

I would urge everyone in New York to contact their State Senators to make sure they do block this bill.  You can find your State Senator by using this link.   

Follow this link to a summary of this bill and a list of  how your Assembly members voted.    Please take a moment to thank those who voted against this bill and take issue with those who did.  

We in the pro-life movement need to take a more active role in keeping bills such as this from becoming law. 

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