
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Pennsylvania Christian Heroine Needs our Help!‏

Theresa Gaffney

From Joe Sterns, Executive Director
Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania

Friends, a Christian heroine is in urgent need of help. Her name is Theresa Gaffney, and she is the Register of Wills in Shuylkill County, PA.

 Her name and story might already be familiar to you, but briefly let me recap what she did for us and why she needs our help. 

On May 20 of last year, a liberal U.S. District Court judge named John Jones single-handedly struck down Pennsylvania's Defense of Marriage Law, which had been overwhelmingly approved by the democratically elected state legislature. At that point, the silent majority that supports traditional marriage needed someone to stand up and fight. 

Theresa Gaffney, who issues marriage licenses in Schuylkill County, displayed rare political courage by filing a lawsuit to appeal Jones' ruling. 

Of Pennsylvania's 67 elected county Register of Wills, Ms. Gaffney is the only one who had the courage to challenge Jones' ruling. Grassroots activists for traditional marriage asked numerous Register of Wills to step up, including in the "Bible Belt" of central Pennsylvnia, but only Mrs. Gaffney said, "You can count on me." 

She did so knowing that the homosexual activist community would make her their number one target in this year's election, and she is. That's why she needs our help, to fend off an opponent recruited to run by the pro-homosexual agenda community. Primary Election Day is May 19 (one day before the anniversary of Jones' horrible ruling. Providential?)

When we needed Theresa Gaffney's help, she was there for us. Now she needs us to return the favor. Please be generous. Checks should be mailed to: 
Friends of Theresa Gaffney
c/o Melissa Clarke, Treasurer
989 Clamtown Road
Tamaqua, PA 18252

Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania (CAP) is a non-profit organization founded to raise the standard of living of all Pennsylvanians by restoring limited government, economic freedom, and personal responsibility. By empowering the Commonwealth’s employers and taxpayers to break state government’s “Iron Triangle” of career politicians, bureaucrats, and Big Government lobbyists, this restoration will occur and Pennsylvania will prosper.

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